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Pilih Paket Terbaik
- eCourse FastTrack Landing Page (1x bayar)
- FREE Software Landing Page (akses 2bln)
- 50 Template Landing Page
- 50 Kuota Landing Page
- Integrasi platform COD
- Integrasi FB Pixel
- Support sampai BISA (WA, Telp)
Value tambahan 150rb
- PCDUO (Peta Cari Duit Online) senilai 150rb
- eCourse FastTrack Landing Page (1x bayar)
- FREE Software Landing Page (akses 6bln)
- 300 Template Landing Page
- 300 Kuota Landing Page
- Integrasi platform COD
- Integrasi FB Pixel
- Custom Domain
- Support sampai BISA (WA, Telp)
Value tambahan 600rb
- PCDUO (Peta Cari Duit Online) senilai 150rb
- Diagnosa / konsultasi bisnis senilai 450rb
- eCourse FastTrack Landing Page (1x bayar)
- FREE Software Landing Page (akses 1thn)
- 50 Template BioLink
- 500 Template Landing Page
- UNLIMITED Kuota Landing Page
- Integrasi platform COD
- Integrasi FB Pixel
- Custom Domain
- Support sampai BISA (WA, Telp)
Value tambahan 1,6jt
- Landing Page Builder PRO Senilai 900rb
- PCDUO (Peta Cari Duit Online) senilai 150rb
- Diagnosa / konsultasi bisnis senilai 450rb
- Domain 1 thn + setup senilai 100rb (50 pembeli di bulan september)
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